
Camput MinistryDonations facilitate seed monies to organize outreaches, print brochures and to publish love letters in college newspapers across the country. Psalm 33:6 says “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made.“ This verse demonstrates the creative, explosive power of God to work in and through his people, with the Father’s Love Letter! Your generous, fully tax deductible gift today will help reach the 17 million lost and searching students on the state universities of America through our on campus outreaches, street evangelism, campus newspapers, and more. Thank you for giving as together we deliver the unchanging Word of God to the ever-changing and hostile state university campus mission field!

By empowering and equipping faith leaders on campus to be evangelistically engaged like never before, together we can make a positive impact for the glory of God. Statistics show that students arrive on campus 50% saved, and leave the campus 10% saved. We’re after every student on campus, but especially that 40%, the back sliders, when they are exposed to the woke environment on campus. We need the generous financial partnership of friends like you — which is why today we’re asking for your best gift today to engage, equip, and empower Christian street evangelists to defend their God-given rights and give them support to expose woke lies on state universities and community colleges, while building the link between faith and freedom.