Father's Love At College
Professor Frederick Stutz, PhD, is a world geography and world economy expert, as well as a biblical scholar. He is the author of six world economy bestselling textbooks used in 300 colleges and universities, and over the course of his forty-year professorial career, he has taught at Northwestern University, Michigan State University, and California State University. His college accolades afforded him the distinct honor of giving the opening address at the 1992 National Convention of Geography and Geoscience.
Though passionate about his academic field of study, Dr. Stutz's most beloved work has been in the forty-plus years of sponsoring Christian organizations on campus, hosting luncheons for college evangelists, and organizing campus outreaches on campus to share the gospel.
Dr. Stutz lives in San Diego, California, with his family, where he enjoys giving tennis and golf lessons to the grand- kids and where he enjoys watching the careers of his four wonderful children. Two children are in full-time ministry, one is a businessman, and another is a college professor of geography and geoscience.
Vision Statement
Our goal is to have outreaches on everyone of the 1,400 state university and community college campuses in the country every semester. So far we have reached 300,000 students with a Fathersloveletter and some with prayer and testimonies shared. We want to tell the entire campus of God's love for them. It would change everything in how they view their problems, their classes, their classmates, and their future. Ultimately, we hope to see God's love sweep across every campus in America — and beyond.
Historically, the university campus has been a seedbed of culture shapers and world leaders-sometimes for good, sometimes for evil. Public campuses in America. Today are going liberal, extreme, woke, and socialist right before our very eyes. These movements, crowd out freedom and faith. If we reach them with the gospel now, they could one day change the world for Jesus.
If we reach the campus, we reach families.
Statistically, people are most open to the gospel during their time at university; and with every student reached, we see the potential to reach the entire family with the gospel.
If we reach the campus, we reach the world.
Culturally, university campuses are becoming more and more diverse, giving us a unique opportunity to reach the nations with the gospel by reaching out to international students in our cities. I have had more reception from tables in the quads that I have visited with the gospel of Chinese, Korean, Muslim, and European students, than I have from American students, generally speaking.

Mission Statement
Everything we do is focused on sharing God's love to every student that crosses our path. Whether it's in the cafeteria, sporting event, or wherever God directs our steps, letting each and every student know that God loves them is our goal.
Here one of our workers is sharing his testimony with Two seated students. Everyone has a testimony of what Christ is done in their life. This is the most powerful evangelism tool. Every time one of our works share the love letter, they make a further attempt to witness and eventually share their testimony. This is the essence of Street evangelism:
- Introduce yourself.
- Ask personal questions like "what is your major, "do you live on campus, "what time are you from. The more questions you ask the more likely students will listen when you share the gospel.
- The basic elements of the gospel include a loving God, creator of the universe, sinful man in need of a savior and repentance; Jesus Christ, son of God, who gave his life to pay the penalty for our sin.
Components of Father's Love on Campus
The vast majority of those students who are contacted with the fathers love letter and a workers testimony are pleasant and receptive. Some students are busily hurrying to class, but others like this woman, seated in an open air study and lunch table, takes time to chat with outreach personnel. Depending on the number of workers and then the number of days spent reach campus, over 1,000 contacts are made on an average day. Majority of these contacts are simply handing a tract to a student with a friendly word like, "God loves you, "did you get yours today, "you're gonna like this very much, "may I pray with you?. Students, staff and others will sometimes seek me out on campus and offer the thanks and congratulations on our effort. Some ask for extra love letters for their Bible study group or church group. We are happy to comply.

The Case For College Book
Formerly, college campuses have violated the first amendment by hurting campus evangelism efforts into small free-speech zones. A recent supreme court case changed all that and allowed a true interpretation of the first amendment right to freedom of speech all across campus. Now we have the freedom to engage students anywhere on campus, yes, without permits. That's the name of this book, "the Case For College." We start with a tract, but follow up with "how are you doing? "What's happening in your life today?" "How can I pray for you?" In Matthew 28:19 Jesus commands us, "go you therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Ghost. The word go is the Greek word that portrays us being constantly on the go to make disciples of all. It is interesting that this verse doesn't mention any specific techniques that we are to use in our pursuit of the going to reach them. There are many ways to attract the lost to the best news in the whole world... the news that Jesus saves!
We can always use your support. As we are a nonprofit ministry, we rely on God using you to further His plans on our college campuses.
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